About Us


Seven years together is about enough time to generate four million photos. We've narrowed it to just a few that depict special moments we've shared. A long distance relationship is a perfect excuse to travel together, though, at first, it was only brief sightings in these cities. Now, we've finally migrated to Chicago, where we hope you'll join us in the fall.

June 2011

Rochester, NY

We met at the University of Rochester our freshman year of college. We would have been a classic freshman-floor couple, except that we didn't actually start dating until Sarah had already decided to transfer to Washington University in St. Louis. So began four years of long distance...

January 2012

Rochester, NY

Sarah visited Keenan in Rochester for our first New Year's together and we spent it with Keenan's family and friends. It was a chance for Keenan's friends (who had been trying forever to get us to start dating) to see their persistence pay off. We love living in Chicago, but Rochester is still a second home.

March 2012

St. Louis, MO

Keenan visited Sarah in St. Louis many times over their first year of dating long distance. We learned that over a three-day visit, the first day was always slightly awkward, and the third day was always slightly sad, but the second day was perfect.

May 2012

Paris, France

We celebrated one year together in Paris. We learned that we love to travel together, and Keenan met some of Sarah’s family and friends living in France. We then visited Sarah’s Matron of Honor in Spain: without her guidance in Catalonia, we probably would have been left muttering to people in Franglais, slowly maneuvering the city.

May 2013

Chicago, IL

This is one of our favorite dates of all time. Sarah had just returned from studying in India for the semester, and we were finally able to reunite and unwind on a visit to the Chicago Botanic Garden...after months of mismatched time zones and falling asleep on Skype.

May 2014

Austin, TX

Spring break of senior year, we took a road trip to Austin with two of Sarah’s future bridesmaids.

June 2014

Himachal Pradesh, India

Keenan may have been the color of the (evergreen) deodar cedar trees, but he had a sunny attitude in spite of the altitude. We travelled together to Himachal Pradesh and stayed in one of Sarah’s favorite lodgings in India: Spars Lodge in Shimla. Sarah introduced Keenan to the Mehra family in Delhi, and Keenan earned the approval of Sarah's homestay mother, Mrs. Malik.

July 2015

Washington, DC

After four years of long distance, we decided to finally be in the same city. It was a perfect introduction to living together since both Sarah and Keenan have awesome friends in DC. We fit in as many board game nights as we possibly could, and pretended to be tourists to take in all the sights, like at the Cherry Blossom Festival in this photo.

August 2016

Washington, DC

A little over a year together in Washington, D.C. flew by, and we packed our first home into a truck to travel to Chicago, where Sarah would be starting a Master's program at the University of Chicago.

September 2016

Chicago, IL

We moved into an apartment in Chicago barely in time for Sarah to attend the orientation for her master’s program at the University of Chicago. In that first week, we had already met friends who shared Sarah’s tendency towards over-sharing and Keenan’s love of music and board games. We also managed to fit in a trip to one of our now-favorite places in Chicago, the Empty Bottle, and stopped by the photobooth in the bar to take this pic.

September 2016

Denver, CO

In the short weekend between Sarah’s orientation and first week of courses, we travelled to Denver, Colorado and picked up Nova. She was smaller than we expected and loved long car rides—which was lucky given the 3-day/40-hour road trip from Colorado through Nebraska to Chicago. There was a brief period of the puppy blues as we also had to balance moving to a new city and Sarah restarting school, but it was more than worth it, and we can't imagine life without Nova.

September 2017

Isle of Mull, Scotland

We met in Europe after Sarah’s summer studying in Lucknow, India. Here, we're taking a ferry from Oban to Mull in Scotland with our friend, Sarah (Sarah’s Maid of Honor). Unfortunately, Keenan was unable to see most of the sights with his hair in his face.

October 2017

Chicago, IL

We had been talking about it for a long time, but the time finally came to officially ask. Keenan took Sarah on a walk to Promontory Point in Chicago, and got down on one knee. Keenan was fumbling around in his pockets trying to find the ring and Sarah was just about to tell him that it was okay and that we could try again later, but Keenan turned to Nova and asked her "Where did I put it?" Nova ran over to the base of a tree nearby, picked up a ring box and brought it back to Keenan, then sat and stared up at them expectantly. Little did Sarah know, Keenan and Nova had been working together to prepare for this moment all summer while Sarah was away in India.